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Curious to know more about my process and background as a creative wellness practitioner?

Updated: Feb 27

“We are all just one small adjustment away from making our lives work.” How Do You Know?

I am a creative wellness practitioner who helps self-directed yet overwhelmed clients suffering from dissatisfaction or dis-ease in their lives to establish creative expression and learn self-regulation skills as supplemental or self-help non-clinical (holistic) therapeutic wellness modalities, so they can become confident, self-accepting members of their community. 

I hold space for clients to integrate and accept their shadow selves (where uncomfortable emotions reside) while pragmatically working through trauma-induced, self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviours. I facilitate a renewal of the contract with self to promote a streamlined course of healing and undertake an efficient yet thorough inventory of life, leading to an increased sense of inner wellness and peace.  

“If you have an art that needs a practice, stop neglecting it ... ” Tanya Davis

Through expressive therapeutic practice, clients are given the opportunity to explore and expand upon creative interests and overcome creative or emotional blockages. Supplemented with resources and activities to inspire and motivate personal growth and responsibility, clients learn a toolkit of skills to master their own mind and accomplish emotional regulation, personal organization & self-sufficiency. 

I provide clarity, a plan of action, accountability, organization and emotional support to help move your life forward when you feel stuck or lost. My gift is to simultaneously witness the details and give you perspective on the ‘big picture.’ To look objectively and compassionately at what is going on for you and trace your experiences back to lessons that you’re already aware of, that can help you on the next steps of your journey once you have the vision you need to see where you’re headed. 

A picture of me feeding little birds, copyright Xavier Photography.

My Process and Background

My process is heart-centered, trauma informed, gentle, patient and understanding. I provide the flexibility to navigate the complexities of seemingly innocuous situations. I help you to find your own way, reclaim your own individuality and power in your life and sort through the things that are cluttering your path.  

Sometimes, as complicated humans, we subconsciously protect ourselves using physical things. Perhaps you’ve got too many meaningless things, but you have no idea where to start. Sometimes things hold meaning and it’s difficult to process while you’re trying to streamline. Maybe you’ve lost someone close to you, and you have been tasked with sorting through their things. Maybe you’ve got “toxic clutter” (physical items that trigger negative emotions) and it’s disguised from your conscious mind. Whatever the situation, I can provide a solution that creates a sense of balance in your life.  

Has anyone ever said to you, “the way the inside of your home looks is how the inside of your head feels”? I believe this to be true. A close friend of mine used to ask me when I seemed stressed what my kitchen looked like, because they knew that my physical warning sign of feeling depressed was letting my dishes pile up.  

I have always collected things and cherished my things. I have sentimental attachments, a mental inventory and an organized but fully furnished home. I collect antiques, curiosities, books and clothes. Having physical objects around me that bring me joy, add beauty to my life, or interest me has always comforted me. There’s even a family joke about me “taking care of my things” because it’s always been such a marked trait of my personality. 

It has also been a source of emotional growth for me to observe my relationship with my things. I’ve always been “sensitive” about them, but I didn’t always understand it. I’ve felt offended when someone has told me, “You have too many things.” I’ve felt horrified when someone has said, “things can easily be replaced.” I’ve felt attacked when someone has said something I love is “old” or “ugly”. I’ve used things to help me feel safe, create boundaries, provide emotions of all colours, and even to keep people at a distance. Sometimes those things are healthy. Sometimes, they’re hindering progress, whether spatially or psychologically, or even emotionally. 

A blessing of being a collector is that I have also always been really organized. Having so many things wouldn’t be feasible without a streamlined system. It is always in flux, always improving. I am always reassessing my environment for efficiency and warmth and beauty and purpose. I have not lived in large apartments. (We’re talking tiny home organized, here.) To do that, you’ve got to think both inside and outside of “the box” - often literally – and have an open mindedness to abstract and creative possibilities and solutions. I have also kept a modest project budget and have honed my skills to be a competent and proud DIY-er. I’ve sourced beautiful, one-of-a-kind items for free or cheap. I’ve taught myself to mend, repair, reupholster and fix things I see the value in. I’ve got an eye for “good bones”. I’ve taken home something I didn’t think someone else would appreciate, as if they’re baby birds with broken wings. (I used to think this was completely ridiculous and was embarrassed to admit it, but everything has energy.)  

When I have to reorganize, I feel overwhelmed (doesn’t everyone?) as well as a long and sometimes complicated list of emotions that are all uncomfortable – shame, embarrassment, confusion, distraction, sadness, depression, anxiety, defensiveness and irritation. To name a few. It’s stressful! 

To get excited about it and shift my perspective, I start with a small creative project. One that will contribute to my ultimate organizational goal, but that I can accomplish quickly and economically. Whether it’s painting a canvas, reupholstering a chair, or building a bookshelf, the inspiration of the project inevitably passes to the organization that follows.  


This is the process I will share with you. We’ll ignite your creativity by designing a project together to get you excited about reorganizing your space and form a plan to accomplish your goals. Along the way you’ll learn self-regulation techniques and holistic modalities to help you deal with uncomfortable emotions in a way that feels safe, guided and accountable. We’ll streamline your things so that you’re surrounded only with what you love that brings you joy. When we’re finished, you’ll feel clear, calm and collected, and your beloved things will, too.  

This process will help instill creative expression practices in your routine, leave your physical space organized, establish and work to complete personal goals and aspirations, and calm your mind. You’ll feel more self-aware, responsible, accountable and capable.  

Here are some of the things we can address: 

  • learning behavioural modality tools that work when you can understand them in theory and then apply them in practice to your life  

  • becoming calm and separate from your thoughts and feelings (the seat of the self), in order to create and maintain emotional self-mastery   

  • stop feeling angry and create a better life for yourself  

  • moving through grief and picking up the pieces  

  • implementing using creative therapies to rekindle your relationship with self and transform your experiences into something meaningful  

  • discovering the things you love by being brave enough to try something new  

  • valuing yourself and your contributions  

  • living your dreams   

  • seeing challenges as opportunities   

  • retraining your brain (neuroplasticity)  

  • feeling whole and content alone  

  • enjoying your own company  

  • doing hard things and learning from mistakes and unfortunate events  

  • being resilient and resourceful  

  • overcoming difficulties with ease and calmness  

  • communicating honestly and assertively  

  • being honest with yourself and drop your drama so you can have your dreams  

  • learning healthy boundaries and implementing them  

  • being caring and assertive while respecting someone else’s journey  

  • living YOUR authentic life  

  • creating personal responsibility to facilitate inner growth and move past blockages   


My gift is to simultaneously witness the details and give you the ‘big picture.’ To look objectively and compassionately at what is going on for you, and trace your experiences back to lessons that you’re already aware of, that can help you on the next steps of your journey once you have the clarity you need to see where you’re headed. 

“Figuring out how to be true to yourself is the most terrifying and rewarding thing you can do.”   CoStar

My journey has not been linear. I have had to shift my perspective multiple times in order to see my blessings. I’ve had to take apart and examine each part of myself that cries out in the dark places. I’ve done research, been forced to use discernment, and studied anything that would help me along the path. Now that I have a well-rounded roster of tools and information and techniques that helped me, I have been called to share it with you.  

My dream is to help you. To help each of you who’ve read this to find your own path. To offer support. To hold space. To listen and offer a fresh perspective. To impart some of my knowledge, life experience and wisdom of having lived things the hard way, to show you a more direct way. It takes a lifetime commitment to yourself. It takes patience, resiliency, self-awareness, personal responsibility, raw honesty, genuine authenticity, open mindedness and courage. It takes dedication and drive. Ambition. It’s turning your coal into your diamonds. We transmute.  

If you are serious about changing your life, I am here to help you have your dreams, and leave your drama in the rear view. The only way out is through. The journey can be peaceful, exciting and life affirming – if you make it. 


I encourage and support you to take a step towards the person you want to be, today.

Contact me for more information or book in for a consultation appointment. Invest in yourself and your future ... I can help.

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